wonderfull cha

wonderfull cha
anak shalehah, cerdas dan lembut hati

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Catatan Icha 14 : The 11st's Month of Icha

Alhamdulilllah..Icha is 11 month now...she is growing up and grow...taller than last month. Bunda looks that icha's trouser has been narrow for her.

What does icha look like?
* Riding kak naura's bike
* walking to school with wearing sandals or shoes
* Complain...when bunda or ayah leave to the office
* Like to playing n playing...hide and seek
* She can claps her hands
* eating tempe n tahu
* her skin is redish, she feels uncomfortable
* using dettol for take a bath

Hope..u gonna be good child dear..love u so...muaah...

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